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Sanvello app   Sign up with a .ac account and you get free access to their premium Guided Meditations.

Liberate   A safe space for the Black community to develop a daily meditation habit

U of M Mindfulness for Students Club      Augsburg students have been invited to participate in the student mindfulness club at the University of Minnesota.

Guided Ancestor Meditation   Justin Michael Williams of “Stay Woke”

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction classes at the University of Minnesota’s Center for Spirituality and Healing

A Compassion Practice for Opening the Heart — Sharon Salzburg

Sitting Together   Free meditation downloads and handouts

Self-Compassion exercises and guided meditations    Kristin Neff

Mindful Pause

Calm      Website and app with relaxing nature videos and guided meditations for stress management.   On the website, just click on the mountain icon on the bottom right of the screen to choose one of many relaxing nature scenes (mountain lake, ocean sunset, rainy forest and more).  Sign up for a free account and get access to some of the meditations, such as 7 Days of Calm, 7 Days of Managing Stress, 7 Days of Calming Anxiety, 7 Days of Sleep, 7 Days of Gratitude.  Access to more meditations with paid subscription.  Also has “Sleep Stories” — soothing the mind with stories to help you drift off into deep sleep (most with paid app).


Free Mindfulness Apps